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Dr.Vijeta Bhatore
Mrs. Afroz Adil


The Covid-19 pandemic that struck the world in December 2019 has connected people globally through the media. Now man is more aware of the surroundings and happenings worldwide. And the age group that is taking the most advantage of the virtual world is the youth.Before the pandemic the youth was engaged in the traditional methods of classroom studies, whereas the imposed lockdowns have opened new windows for their overall development. The study highlights that, in the time of Covid-19 the students of technical education were made aware of the different ways of learning methods other than the traditional classroom method. They were exposed to the internet and hence came across the different ways and methods of learning. Frequent virtual seminars, conferences, trainings and workshops were organized for the students by their respective educational institutes where they were given guidance not only from local experts but also from international experts too. This phenomenon brought positive changes in the overall development of the learners and also provided a broader spectrum to the teachers. This research lays emphasis on the two different streams of technical education which are 1) Fashion Design and 2) Interior Design. These streams are more practical oriented streams of technical education.The impact of the online teaching and learning on these fields is discussed in detail in this research. In this pandemic period the students of these disciplines got more insight of the designs acclaimed not only at national levels but also at the international levels.But on the other hand, due to the online classes the students were deprived of the practical knowledge and finesse that they gain in their subject related laboratories. The study deals with the effect of the pandemic on the overall academics of these design students

Article Details

DOI: 10.54903/haridra.v3i09.10735
Published: 2022-08-17

How to Cite
Bhatore, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & Adil, M. A. . (2022). Covid-19 and its impact on Technical Education in India with Specific Reference to Fashion and Interior Design Disciplines. Haridra Journal, 3(8), 50–58.
Author Biographies

Dr.Vijeta Bhatore, Govt. Women’s Polytechnic College , Indore (M.P) , India

Fashion Technology Dept

Mrs. Afroz Adil, Govt. Women’s Polytechnic College , Indore (M.P) , India

Architecture and Interior Design Dept


  1. -40.pdf (
  2. The Effect of COVID-19 on Education (
  3. Impact of COVID on Education System - Fedena Blog