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Dr. Sharda Singh
Dr. Priti Bhatt


Independent and integrated identity is coveted by every human being. Each one longs to be called an intelligent, aware, talented, responsive and creative individual. Black men and women are no exception .The two needs of home and wholeness; for which they yearn; are not available to them on this earth. And they lose in the game of searching identity. But it is well said that EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING. The present article pinpoints self-esteem and desires of the  identify as the core of her protagonists. Sethe,protagonist  of the novel Beloved   prefers to kill her daughter rather than to re-slave her .Sethe finds that the prevailing definitions of women,mother and wife are challenged by her racist masters…but it is SHE WHO EXERTS HER IDENTY BY PAVING THE TORTOUS PATH..AND REFUTES ALL OBSTACLES WHICH she was sure that being black and women she can never get love and status.

Article Details

DOI: 10.54903/haridra.v1i04.7762
Published: 2021-01-04

How to Cite
Singh, D. S., & Bhatt , D. P. (2021). Self- Identity and Black American Community in Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Haridra Journal, 1(4), 32–33.